Aktivitäten im Sommer
Rainy weather
The Hoschet sauna is located at the entrance to the village of Matt. This small, but lovely sauna offers a traditional Finnish sauna for up to 4 people, a jacuzzi, and a relaxation room.
Billard, Dart und Mini-Pingpong
What's left in this former slate mine is an imposing system of underground caverns. Public tours as well as concerts and other events regularly take place in these impressive surroundings.
Sardona Visitor Center
Seven stations will help you understand the origins of the Glarus Thrust that created this wonderful landscape here.You can learn more about the research being done here via videos and iPads.
In dem ehemaligen Bergwerk wurde Schiefer abgebaut. Heute zeigt sich das alte Bergwerk in imposanter Kavernenlandschaft. Öffentliche Führungen als auch Anlässe oder Konzerte beleben die imposante Umgebung.
Billard und Kegelbahn
Ein Tapetenwechsel gefällig? Auch das Gasthaus Sonne in Engi bietet in Ihren Räumlichkeiten einen Billardsalon und sogar eine Kegelbahn zur stündlichen Miete.
Im Anschluss lädt das Restaurant noch zu Speis & Trank
SGU Lintharena
Whether you want to go climbing, bouldering, swimming, work out, or enjoy time in the sauna, this sports club in Näfels has much to offer.
Package deals for on holiday around Elm are available. Ask at the tourist information office in Elm!
Wellness & Massages
A variety of wellness offerings are available for when your muscles are tense.
Whether you take a dip in a whey bath high up on the mountain or enjoy a massage just a few minutes' walk from HängeMatt, you'll find plenty of great offerings to choose from.
The wide range of museums in the region offer a variety of cultural insights. From the Sernf Valley Rail Museum to art exhibitions at the Kunst-Raum Avalon to the Studio for Paper Cutting or exhibitions at the Glarus Nature Centre, there's something for every interest.