Mettmen Alp
Visit Europe`s oldest wildlife sanctuary..
The impressive path from Matt to Mettmen Alp can already be seen from the front door of HängeMatt Active Hostel. Over the Bergli Alp past the whey bath via Berglimatt to Mettmen, this challenging hike climbs 1,320 m up and then 560 m down to the Mettmen Alp.
For those who prefer to take things a bit more easily, the mountain railway from Schwanden to Mettmen is highly recommended.
The Freiberg Kärpf, the oldest wildlife sanctuary in Europe, offers extensive hikes, wildlife watching, climbing in the nearby climbing garden, sunbathing at the Garichti manmade lake, and even a stop in the newly built Mettmen Alp.
For further information, please visit mettmen-alp.ch.

Mettmen Alp und der Freiberg Kärpf laden im Winter zum Eisfischen, Schneeschuhlaufen und Skitouren ein.