Bio & regional
Our partners and suppliers
Adler Bräu from Schwanden
Cornetto bakery from Ennenda
Alpchäs from Alp Krauchal in Matt
Alpine butter from Alp Mühlibach in Engi
Organic vegetables and fruits, organic eggs from the organic farm Hornen in Benken
Organic whole milk & yoghurt from the Volg store in Matt
Game from the hunter Sämi from Matt
Organic beef from Christian Elmer from Matt
Organic meat from the Puurämetzg in Sernftal or from the Menzi butcher in Mitlödi
From further away ..
Fruit brandies from the organic farm Guyer in Seegräben
Organic wine from Delinat in St. Gallen
More food from organic partner suppliers in Seon
When purchasing our food and beverages, we pay attention to regional and organic products, without chasing any labels.
We buy regionally and organically where possible. However, sometimes our suppliers' supplies are exhausted. Therefore we have several partners with varying offers.
Our staff is happy to provide information about the origin of our products - just ask when you order.
We are always open to suggestions and further partnerships.
Just get in touch using our contact form .